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L'Alternativa - Catalonia news

The new edition of the independent film festival arrives to Barcelona, and it opts for innovation in its 21st anniversary.

This year’s edition is celebrated from 17th to 23st November, and it has 28 films in L’Alternativa Oficials section, which includes short and full-length films that discover emerging directors that are not diffused in conventional markets.


Some of the most outstanding films of this year are The second time, by Corneliu Porumboiui, which tells the director's own experience watching a football match refereed by his father and the memories that generates to them to see the images, or Slimane, by José A. Alayón, is a film about the minors Moroccan migration in Canary Islands, that flees from the cliché.


Alternativa Paral·leles  shows emerging filmmakers production and a selection of retrospectives, tributes and unknown films by consecrated authors. Alternativa Paral·leles also includes the Panorama section, dedicated to feature films and short films from Spanish directors.


The festival includes parallel activities, like L’Alternativa Hall (hours of free and diverse films’ programme in the hall of CCCB) or the training and debate areas in L’Alternativa Activitats, which include seminars for cinema schools and professionals.


Although there’s a very difficult moment for independent cinema, the festival has a huge programme, which will be enjoyed in the Filmoteca de Catalunya, the Institut Francès de Barcelona and the CCCB.


From 24th November to 8th December, some of the films from L’Alternativa Oficials and Panorama will be available in Filmin.


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