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Tàrraco Viva

Tàrraco Viva - Catalonia news

From 5th to 25th May, Tarragona hosts the 16th Tarraco Viva festival. The city revives for three weeks its Latin tradition and it offers every type of activities.

Tarraco was a very important city in the Roman period, and it wasn’t only the capital of Hispania but also the capital of the whole Roman Empire for two years. Now, the Tarraco Viva festival wants to revive this glorious past and to spread its history through all kind of activities.


Specialized conferences, workshops for kids, recreations of gladiators’ fights or cooking shows are only some of the activities of the festival. For some days, the city revives the everyday life from 2.000 years ago and lives again the greatness of its past.


The objective of Tarraco Viva is to make the history and cultural heritage of the city available to all kind of audience. To make it possible, activities are done in the most emblematic monuments and places in Tarragona, like the Amphitheatre, the Walls, the Circus and the Volta del Pallol.


This year, the festival is focused on the bimillenium of the death of August, emperator that changed politically and culturally the Roman Empire . Everyone that wants to get closer to the ancient Roman Tarraco can come to Tarragona and get into this festival through dramatized readings, showing of films and documentaries and theatre performances.


You can see more information and the whole program here:


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