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Fiesta de Sant Antoni de Ascó


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Visit Catalonia, a different way of tourism

Welcome to inCatalonia, your online booking centre for apartments, hotels and villas in Catalonia, Spain. Here you will find the perfect accommodation for your vacations, as well as tourist information about the area and the most special events as well.

Barcelona’s beaches, night life, its restaurants and bars, its history and shopping areas, have made this city one of the most important tourist destinies in the world. In Barcelona we provide a wide rage of accommodation: hotels, hostels and more than 500 apartments, where you will feel at home.

If you would like to spend your holidays enjoying the sun, the sea and the playa, you can choose between our hotels and apartments in Costa Brava, Costa Dorada and Costa de Barcelona. If you are looking for a place to enjoy nature and peace, we have a wide range of houses and villas in a green setting.

Whichever your destination is, you will find it inCatalonia!

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Fiesta de Sant Antoni de Ascó