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Emporda’s Marshland

Emporda’s Marshland - Catalonia news

The marshland situated in Empordà (Aiguamolls de l’Empordà) is one of the most important marshes in Catalonia, also with Delta de l’Ebre. Emporda’s marshes are situated in the centre of this Mediterranean region and have been created along the ends of the rivers: Muga and Fluvià situated in Alt Empordà and Ter and Daró, in Baix Empordà.


In the old days, marshes occupy the entire coast between Roses and Ter, but as a consequence of the expansion in agriculture, cattle farming and the dry-up of some rivers this region has decreased. It also affects some changes like the construction of reservoirs in Boadellas, Sau and Susqueda, and the construction of a residential place in the second half of the twentieth century. By the 1976, was born a group that defence the biologic importance of the marshland. They made a campaign in order to aware the neighbours about the danger of the situation. Nowadays, Emporda’s marshes are protected under the government as a kind of natural reserve.


The most important things in the marshes are his flora and fauna. That’s why the most recommended activity is walk along the park with a pair of binoculars in order to see the diversity of species. Flora is especially attractive because this region has some natural characteristics that allow some plants, that are difficult to find inCatalonia, to grow up.

Fauna has improved a lot in the last years because of the protection. The group of invertebrates as butterflies and crustaceans increased after the prohibition of the aerial treatment against the mosquitoes.  We can also found big groups of fishes as carps and eels, and others reptilians and amphibious like newts and river turtles.

We can observe more than 328 different species and which increased due to the constitution of the protection in 1983. During the migration season in spring, the marshes are the best refuge for the birds when the strong wind, called tramuntana, blows. These days we can find flamingos and storks resting and looking for food before they cross the Pyrenees.


Photography: Marc Falcó, Àlex Ollé y


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