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Football Club Barcelona

Football Club Barcelona - Catalonia news

Football Club Barcelona most known as Barça is one of the symbol that is related with Catalonia, as a consequence of its international impact it travels furthermore than Catalan frontiers. Nowadays, this sportive association has its referent in soccer team which is known everywhere.

From China to Africa you can find Barça supporters which are called “culés” and they show the colours of the t-shirt team: blue and red. Although the must known sport in this club is football, there are four more professional sports: basketball, handball, hockey and indoor football.

Camp Nou Stadium

Barça’s Stadium is called “Camp Nou” (New Stadium) and with others few stadiums in Spain it has got 5 stars given by UEFA. This means that in “CampNou” can be played the Champions League final, the UEFA Cup final and Europe Supercup final.

“CampNou” was inaugurated in 1957, has a capacity for 99.350 spectators and it is situated in Barcelona in “Les Corts” neighbourhood. Near the Stadium there are other Barça stadiums like: “Mini Estadi” and “Palau Blaugrana”, this last one is where basketball team plays.

FCB museum

In this museum can be visited the whole history of the club, since its creation until now. There are interactive applications and tactile screens where people can look for everything want to know about Barça: presidents, players, awards, etc.  More than that, in this museum are exposed the six cups that Barça won in a historic season.



Text: Mar Mampel


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