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Modernistic wine cellar

Modernistic wine cellar - Catalonia news

Cèsar Martinell, an architect disciple of Antoni Gaudí, designed and built many of wine cellars that exist along the Catalan regions. In some places, his work was so important that these building were called “Catedrals del vi” (Wine cathedrals).

Conca de Barberà

Wine cellar called Cooperativa de l’Esplugda de Francolí was one of the first modernistic cellars in Catalonia. It was built in order to have one of the Cooperative Society most ancient in Catalonia, “La Cooperativa de l’Espluga” founded in 1902.

Wine cellar called Cooperativa de Barberá de la Conca was built between 1920 and 1921. The design of this cellar includes some new techniques like the construction of the structures of the naves based in parabolic arches or the situation of the windows in order to ventilate them.

The wine cellar in Montblanc was built in 1919 out of the town, between the railway and the main road. Behind the building was situated the grapes reception and in the centre, the warehouse of water.


Falset wine cellar was built in 1917 and the building is considerate one of the most representative in Catalonia. Inside the wine cellar we can observe some of the first wood tubs which were used to make their first wines.

Wine cellar of Cooperativa de Gandesa (1919) is the second most important of this style inside the region. It was built in only one year using local techniques like roof supported with Catalan arches. Also it has ceramic painted decorations.

Wine cellar Cooperativa del Pinell de Brai (1918) is ubicated in the region of Terra Alta and in the main entrance we can see a ceramic frieze decorated with crystal, made by the artist Xavier Nogués Casas.

Photography: Castelldor

Text: Mar Mampel


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