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Romanesque Route

Romanesque Route - Catalonia news

Although, Vall de Boí (Alta Ribagorça) is a good destination for skiing and doing sportive leisure, this regions has other interesting activities. That’s why we suggest Romanesque Route, composed by nine Romanesque Churches, an historic-artistic group declared World Heritage in 2000.

Assumpció del Coll

This church with only one nave with semicilindric apse was built during XI-XII centuries and is situated in the town Cóll (Vall de Boí). It’s known thanks to his bell squared tower and because its last two levels are gothic.

Sant Joan de Boí

Built in XI-XII centuries, thechurch of Sant Joan de Boí is composed by a basilical plant with three separated naves by columns. The mural paintings are copies from the originals, the works “Bestiari” and “la Lapidació de Sant Esteve” are the most important.

Sant Climent de Taüll

Climent de Taüll has a basilical floor with three separated naves by columns but with the difference that is decorated with sculptures in the exterior of the apse and the bell tower.

Santa Maria de Taüll

The interior of this church was decorated with mural paintings which were tear out between 1919 and 1923 and now they are shown in the National Museum of Art in Catalonia (MNAC), situated in Barcelona.

Sant Feliu de Barruera

Situated in the entrance of Barruera, this church is singular because it’s composed by only one nave with two semi cylindrical apses. The bell tower is next to the south wall, the first two floors are Romanesque and the superior is the result of the reforms in XVI century.

Church of Nativity in Durro

This temple built in XII century is composed by one nave. It’s important, because it has got a steel bolt and some baroque altarpieces dated in XVII, XVIII and XIX centuries.

Sant Quirc de Durro

Inside this church, built in the XII century, we can appreciate a copy of the Romanesque front high altar, the gothic image of Santa Julia and Sant Quirc and a baroque altarpiece.

Santa Eulàlia d'Erill la Vall

This church is composed by one nave with a semi cylindrical apse. Inside there is a copy of the group “Davallament” composed by seven wooden sculptures and there is a permanent exposition which tells the history of this building.

Santa Maria de Cardet

This temple is known because his construction was adapted to the strong gradient of the mountain, an example is that they used this gradient to built the crypt.




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