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Temporada Alta

Temporada Alta - Catalonia news

Different stages in Girona, Salt and surroundingswill host the 23rd edition of Temporada Alta, the benchmark theatre festival in Catalonia, from 3rd October to 8th December.

The organizers emphasize that this year is the one with more international exposure. There will be 90 shows, and 26 of them will be performed for the first time, like Dei Furbi’s company, Trilogia Mozart-Così fa Dei Furbi.  There will be 52 Catalan shows; one of them will be the expected premiere of Terra Baixa i Lluís Omar, a very good example of how can be a classic adaptation.


The dancer and choreographer Sol Picó will be the responsible of the opening of the festival with the performance One-hit wonders, a show wich goes over the 20 years of trajectory.The festival will also have 21 shows never seen before in Spain, like Peter Brook’s Le costume or Romeo Castellucci’s Juli Cèsar.


But Temporada Alta is not only theatre; the festival continues with its offering of musical shows, dance, circus… And also, music lovers will be able to see the premiere of the last Vetusta Morla’s album, La deriva.


You can see the whole program and discover more about Temporada Alta in their site:


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