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Zinemaldia - Catalonia news

Enjoy the Basque Cinema Festival, organized by the Euskal Etxea in Barcelona, until the 22nd February.

This festival arrives to its 9th edition, and it’s growing a lot in the last years; this year it changes from the Basque centre to the Girona cinema and it starts its official competition. The eleven films that will be taking part in it are seen for the first time in Catalonia, and they aspire to win the Txapela d’Or, decided by a juror composed by outstanding members of Catalan cinema: Joel Joan, Aina Clotet, Marc Recha i Jordi Ambròs.


The festival will have the presentations of actors, directors and producers of the films. Zinemaldia 2014 has been funded partly thanks to crowdfunding, and the admission costs 4.50€.


If you want more information about the films, visit their website:


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