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Bobbin lacers in Catalonia

Bobbin lacers in Catalonia - Catalonia news

Lace maker profession is the art of crochet laces with a pillow as a support; it has a large tradition in Catalonia. Nowadays this activity is still active thanks to associations which organize from meeting to workshops and courses. Although this activity it hasn’t got the economic importance than has before, bobbin lacers have a social function because it puts together groups of woman between different generations with the same interest.

Since old times, this activity was done in group. Lace makers sit together and work with different tools: pillows, laces, bobbins, needles and patterns. The first information that we have form bobbin lacers in Catalonia dates from XVI century. It’s known that in that moment bobbin lacers were specially appreciate in high class.

This tradition last during following decades but it was until second half of nineteenth century and the early twentieth century when bobbin lace had its splendour. At the moment when textile industry was on the top of his expansion, these soft handmade pieces had his best moment. These pieces were really well considered in the city and in town. Many shops in Barcelona based its commercial activities in distribution of this hand made works.

Nowadays there are several associations in Catalonia that organize meetings and keep open workshops to everybody like “Associació Catalana de Puntaires” or “Assocació de Puntaire de les Comarques Gironines”. And there are other centres where people can learn how to sew bobbin laces like theSchool of Lacemakers in Barcelona.

Source: Grupo de Puntaires de Masquefa


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