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Cap de Creus

Cap de Creus - Catalonia news

The natural reserve in Cap de Creus is especially attractive because the environment is marine but also terrestrial. That’s why it is the first reserve marine-terrestrial in Catalonia. Situated in Roses, the reserve has in the terrestrial zone, three natural landscapes of national interest that are: Gros-Cap cape (north), Falconera-Cap Norfeu point (south) and the Mountain of Rodes(west).


In an environment that offers the best of sea and the best of the mountains, this place has a lot of routes to do. Moreover, the principal paths are very old so that’s why we can find elements from different historic moments like dolmens, farmyards or country houses.

The first path is an alternative for those long-distance routes, because it connects all the villages in the park and allows people to visit the most known places like the pass of Sant Genís.

In the Roses’ path we can find the biggest dolmen in Catalonia (Creu de Cobertella) and a monolith in Casa Cremada.


Because of its characteristics, in this park can be practised also mountain activities and aquatic activities. That’s why we can find signposted paths to walk across and routes that can be done riding horses or bicycles. Moreover, the park has two Mountain Bike paths.
In the aquatic zone, the most practised activities are kayak or recreational fishing on surface and submarine, except in protected zones. But it’s also permitted snorkel, sailing and, even, paragliding.

As for cultural activities, the most known place in Cap de Creus is the monastery of Sant Pere de Rodes. An original piece of catalan Romanesque art, built during the tenth and twelfth centuries.

We can also see the museum of the fortress in Roses, the museum of Cap de Creus (in the lighthouse of the reserve) and a lot of castles or chapels that surrounds the reserve. The most known are: the Carmençó castle in Vilajuïga, the Bufalaranya castle and the Puig-rom castle in Roses, the Sant Onofre chapel in Palau-Saverdera, the preromanesque Sant Martí de Vallmala chapel in Llançà and the chapels of Sant Sebastià in Selva de Mar and Cadaqués.  

Activities agenda

Photographys: Archivo del Parque Natural de Cabo de Creus


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