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Trip through blue: La Vida

Trip through blue: La Vida - Catalonia news

The Picasso Museum hosts an exhibition that explains the blue period of the artist and shows La Vida, key work of this period, until the 19th January.

La Vida is considered to be the culminating point of the blue period of Pablo Picasso. It comes back for the first time since the beginning of the 20th century to the city where it was created. This exhibition will show to the visitors the connections between this work and some drawings from the Museum collection.


In addition, the hidden image under Azoteas de Barcelona (recently discovered thanks to a museum’s study) will be shown. The scientific material obtained from the study will be also on show and it will help to understand the blue period of Picasso.


If you want to see this great exhibition and admire La Vida, usually shown at Cleveland Museum of Art, go the Picasso Museum until the 19th January.


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