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Salt Route

Salt Route - Catalonia news

The first sportive edition of “Salt Route” was celebrated in 1989. This first yacht race was promoted by the association ANAM, 36 ships departed from “Port Ginesta” (Barcelona) in direction to Balearic Islands, the end of the route. Since 1990 the number of contestants has increased and that’s why since 1992, “Sal Route” has been converted in a very success event with more supporters every year. Nowadays an average of 300 contestants takes part of this event every year.

This sportive event has its origin in a historical event. In may 1846 during the “Sailor Rebellion”, Barcelona suffered a blockade by the Carlist army which has terrible consequences; Barcelona had an important shortage of salt and city was in danger.

In that situation, the inventiveness of a business man from Barcelona took part in the problem: he said the first who bring to Garraf (Barcelona) salt from Balearic Saltworks will be paid with gold. An amount of 13 ships participated in that improvised yacht race and only three of them got an economic compensation.

Nowadays, “Sal Route” moves more than 2000 yachtsman who commemorate with this even an ancient route. It’s considerate one of the most important yacht race that is done in Spainand the most difficult because it’s celebrated in April, during a season which has difficult meteorology.


Photography and source: XXIII Ruta de la Sal 2010 Alfred ANAM

Text: Mar Mampel


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